Residents Oral presentation is scheduled annually during SAUDIDERM Conference.  The competition is open to all dermatology residents currently enrolled in Saudi training programs or recent graduates of the last 2 years (class 2018). Applicants may choose to present Research Project, Clinical Case or Updated Review.



  1. Presentations must be in English.
  2. Presentations must be submitted as
  3. Patient confidentiality must be protected; data/photos must be de-identified.
  4. Research Project must follow the following format:
    1. Title: name, postgraduate year, affiliation, conflict of interest declaration
    2. Introduction: background for the study stating its objective or hypothesis.
    3. Methods: discussing the design, setting, patients, and interventions.
    4. Results: text, tables and illustrations to show most important findings.
    5. Discussion: important aspects of the study and its conclusion.
    6. References: original research sources that are directly linked to this research.
  5. Clinical Case must follow the following format:
    1. Title: name, postgraduate year, affiliation
    2. History: brief relevant history and review of systems.
    3. Examination: detailed clinical findings with good quality photos.
    4. Investigations: completed relevant work-up.
    5. Discussion: literature review of the current diagnosis
    6. Conclusion: summary of the diagnosis and its importance to dermatology
  6. Updated Review must use the following format:
    1. Classic articles supporting current practice.
    2. New articles supporting new practice.
    3. Articles generating clinical controversy
    4. Articles showing new experimental approach
    5. Articles showing new technological innovation
  7. Presentations must avoid commercialism. Trade names should be avoided.
  8. Time frame is 10 minutes.
  9. Presentations should be submitted online at

The Scientific Committee will evaluate the content of each Oral Presentation based on the educational value it presents. The Committee will favorably select Oral Presentations that have an organized, coherent, well-thought-out and complete presentation. Notification letters of acceptance will be sent via email.